Tongue Fu!® E-Course I
The Tongue Fu!® I e-course includes “Words to Use & Words to Lose” and offers 12 videos + 1 BONUS VIDEO for a total of 60+ minutes of training from Tongue Fu!® creator and world-renowned speaker, Sam Horn.
Tongue Fu!® I – Module 1: How to RESPOND Instead of REACT
Video 1: What Is Tongue Fu!®?
“I have found if you love life, life will love you back.” – Arthur Rubenstein
- Who is causing you stress? Who is being unfair, unkind, inappropriate?
- How is this affecting you? Can’t sleep? Taking out frustration on others?
- Good news. You’re about to learn pragmatic ways to deal with challenging people.
Video 2: Assess Your Conflict Resolution Style
“Life may give you a cactus; you don’t have to sit on it.” – Joyce Meyer
We all have a habitual way of handling conflict. What’s yours?
Has your habitual conflict style helped or hurt up until now?
Video 3: Fast-Forward Through Frustration
“The more a man knows, the more he forgives.” – Confucius
- Transform Impatience into Empathy with these Four Words
- Who is Someone You’re Exasperated With?
- Does Seeing It From Their Point of View Change Your Perspective?
- Instead of Being Unhappy with What you Don’t Like, Could You Create What you Would Like?
Video 4: Listen Up and Set the Empathy Example
“One person who is truly understanding, who takes the trouble to listen to us, can change our whole outlook on the world.” – Elton Mayo
- Who is Someone Who Really Listens To You? How Do you Feel About Them?
- Next Time Someone’s Upset, Give ‘Em L.L.L.
- Why NEVER to Say “I understand how you feel”
- What will you do next time you want someone to feel heard, seen and understood?
Tongue Fu!® I – Module 2: Words/Reactions to Lose and Words/Responses to Use
Video 5: Stop Arguing, Start Acknowledging
“Is sloppy communication due to ignorance or apathy? I don’t know and I don’t care.” – William Safire
- The Quickest Way to Advance Conversations vs. Anchor Them in Disagreement
- What are Common Situations at Work Where You BUT Heads with People?
- The Three Letter Word that CREATES Conflicts
Video 6: Coach (vs. Criticize) Mistakes
“Boy, did he make a wrong mistake.” – Yogi Berra
- Do You SHOULD on People? How to Shape Behavior instead of Shame It
- Focus on NEXT Time so People LEARN instead of LOSE FACE
- Next Time Something Goes Wrong, How Will You Focus on how They can Do it RIGHT?
Video 7: Turn Orders into Requests
“Common courtesy … isn’t.” – Tongue Fu’ism
- Do you unintentionally boss people around?
- How could you turn commands into courteous requests?
- Words that turn resistance and resentment into rapport and receptivity?
Video 8: Focus on What You CAN Do Instead of What You CAN’T
“Anyone who doesn’t think there are two sides to an argument is probably IN one.” – Tongue Fu’ism
- Do you use words that slam a verbal door in people’s face?
- Can you turn a “No we can’t, because” into a “sure we can, as soon as?”
- Do people perceive YOU as the one blocking what they want?
- How can you use this techniques at home as well as at work?
Tongue Fu!® I – Module 3: Give and Get Respect
Video 9: Give Bad News Without Getting Blamed
“Sticks and stones can break my bones; but words can break my heart.” – Robert Fulghum
- Are you using words that cause people to conclude you don’t care?
- Can you turn “There’s nothing I can do” into “Here’s something I can do?”
- Can you show compassion so people are less likely to kill the messenger?
Video 10: Become Problem Free
“We should learn from the mistakes of others. We don’t have time to make them all ourselves.” – Groucho Marx
- Are you dealing with a “problem” employee or customer?
- Are you giving people the impression there’s something WRONG even when there’s not?
- Can you set a tone of graciousness by choosing to say this?
Video 11: Avoid Going to Extremes
“Of course I’m yelling. That’s because I’m wrong.” – Leslie Charles
- Are you making sweeping generalizations that people object to?
- Could you use OBJECTIVE vs. SUBJECTIVE language?
- How to ask for what you DO want vs. complaining about what you DON’T want
Video 12: How NOT to Take Difficult People Home with You
“No one can make us feel inferior without our consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
- Who is someone who “makes” you mad?
- How will you take charge of your emotions and keep your cool – even when other people aren’t?
- How will you, as Meryl Streep says, “Guard your good mood”?
Bonus Video: Summary and Plan of Action
“If you’ve made a decision and haven’t taken an action, you haven’t made a decision.” – Tony Robbins
- Where will you post your Words/Responses to Use so they stay in-sight, in-mind?
- How will you persevere through the 4 A’s of Learning and adopt more constructive ways of communicating?
- What will you say to yourself next time someone’s getting on your last nerve?
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