The Official Tongue Fu!® Creed

Creed defined as a set of beliefs or aims which guide someone’s actions.

The Official Tongue Fu!® Creed communicates our mission of the example of civility and proactive diplomacy that we want to set. We believe and know from experience that when we go first, take the lead, and treat people with the respect they want, need and deserve – they are more likely to respond in kind.

Feel free to share any or all that resonate with you.

"Focus on what can be done instead of what can’t so people know you care."

– Sam Horn, Originator of Tongue Fu!®

“We can’t control everything, we can control what KIND of person we are.”

– Sam Horn, Originator of Tongue Fu!®

"We can turn resistance into rapport if we respond rather than react.”

– Sam Horn, Originator of Tongue Fu!®

"We can stand on our own two feet without stepping on other people’s toes.”

– Sam Horn, Originator of Tongue Fu!®

"Peace is an inside job."

– Sam Horn, Originator of Tongue Fu!®

"Are you listening or waiting for your turn to talk?"

– Sam Horn, Originator of Tongue Fu!®

"We can shame behavior or shape it."

– Sam Horn, Originator of Tongue Fu!®

"Assertiveness is knowing what you stand for – and what you won’t stand for."

– Sam Horn, Originator of Tongue Fu!®