Hire a Tongue Fu!® Speaker for Your Next Event

Tongue Fu!® creator, Sam Horn, is an award-winning speaker who has delivered more than 5,000 presentations for some of the world’s biggest companies over the past twenty years.

You can count on Sam and any of our Certified Tongue Fu!® trainers to exceed your audience’s expectations.

Speaking Samples

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Sam Horn at TEDxBethesdaWomen

Intrigue – How to Create Interest and Connect with Anyone

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Sam Horn at TEDxSouthLakeTahoe

SOMEDAY is Not a Day in the Week: What Matters, Do It Now

Popular Keynote Topics

sam - cheri's scarf tree - unicorn

All Tongue Fu!® speaking topics are available as:

  • 30 – 60 minute keynote
  • 60 – 90 minute conference breakout session
  • 40 – 60 minute webinar or virtual presentation
  • Half-day workshop
  • Full-day intensive training
Presentations can also be customized for your group.  In a pre-call with a member of your organization, we will take note of what is happening within your business as well as trends and priorities occurring in your industry. 
We then tailor your presentation with relevant examples and “I can use that today” insights that are inspiring and actionable for your group.
"Sam's ability to intrigue a ballroom of 800 people and keep them engaged from start to finish is extraordinary. Thanks for hitting a home run that made our annual awards ceremony a huge success."
Erin Smith


For Discussions on Diversity and Inclusion

Would you like to create a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable culture at work, in your organization and on your team?  You can.

Aretha Franklin said, “We all require and want respect, man or woman, black or white. It’s our basic human right.” 


In this facilitated conversation, Sam teams with one of her certified Tongue Fu!® trainers to explore unconscious bias and how it may have shown up in our actions and communication – and how we can hold ourselves accountable for treating everyone with the respect, they want, need and deserve. 

For Team Leaders, Managers & Employees

There is an art and a skill to making every customer a repeat customer. And it begins with how we communicate.

The irony is, we’re taught math, science and history in school – we’re not taught that there are words that help or hurt our relationships.

In this customized session, Sam identifies the challenges your employees face on a daily basis – and shares specific things TO say and NOT to say in those situations so your customers feel welcome, listened to, and well taken care of.

The emphasis is on how to prevent unnecessary conflicts, mistakes and misunderstandings.

If something does go wrong, you’ll learn proactive responses that quickly fix it and re-establish trust and loyalty.  


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"Tongue Fu!® helps educators and students learn crucial life lessons in a realistic, accessible way."
Meryl Marshall-Daniels
CEO of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences


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In Stressful Times & Sensitive Situations

Feel like you can’t say anything right? In turbulent times, it’s more important than ever to respond to stressful, sensitive situations with civility and proactive diplomacy so people are motivated to move things forward – together.

If you feel like you’re talking on eggshells, you’ll welcome these dialogue samples of what TO say and NOT to say in virtual meetings, Zoom calls, and town halls.

As Alice Walker said, “Look closely at the present you’re constructing. It should look like the future you’re dreaming.” These tips can help you conduct civil, productive conversations that serve all involved … now and in the future.

Soft Skills for Hard Times

Did you know former LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner said “Communication skills are the #1 skills gap” and that organizations would be smart to hire and train employees with interpersonal “soft” skills?

Want good news? Sam Horn has been teaching  communication skills for 20+ years to clients including Intel, Cisco, ASAE, Capital One and Four Seasons Resorts.

Discover how to graciously deal with complaints, focus on solutions vs. fault, use civil, proactive words that prevent conflicts, motivate people to listen, and keep your cool and be the quality of person you want to be… even when other people aren’t.

These techniques can dramatically improve the quality of your relationships at work, at home, online, and in public.


"Thanks for giving me the coaching I needed to speak confidently about our technology. I am grateful and remember you every time I give a presentation. I am proud to say we were chosen as one of Business Week Magazine's Most Promising Social Entrepreneurs."
Kathleen Callendar
Co-Founder of PharmaJet
Tongue Fu Keynote - School ages children playing together


"I love Tongue Fu!® for Schools. This practical guidebook offers real help for a real problem ... a lack of rapport and respect between those in school."
Paul Houston
Executive Director of the American Association of School Administrators

For Principals, Teachers, Staff & Homeschoolers

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to prevent and resolve conflicts? 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know what to say in the dozens of sensitive, challenging situations you face every day? 

You can!  This proven program shows how to get along better with just about anyone, anytime, anywhere. 

These are the communication skills that deserve to be taught right along with math, science and history. 

The good news is, when you use these respectful approaches, students and parents are motivated to use them too.

Tongue Fu!® Tips to Feel Heard, Seen, & Valued

Did you know that Jeff Weiner, former CEO of LinkedIn, told CNBC that “interpersonal skills are the #1 skills gap across the US?

In this life and career-changing session, you’ll learn the interpersonal skills you wish you’d been taught in school including how to:

*  Listen to others even when you don’t want to  – and motivate other people to want to listen to you

* Become more aware of your impact and how you are perceived

*  Express opinions in a gracious, non-aggressive way

* Get credit for your contributions, quality work and results

* Speak up in meetings and get your ideas heard

* Set an example of tactful, collaborative leadership

If you’ve ever felt overlooked or under-appreciated, this course is for you. Discover how to take responsibility for your career success and work satisfaction, now not someday.

"If your response to verbal bullies is either to suffer in silence or retaliate, Tongue Fu!® can help."
- Executive Female
"Sam Horn captures and holds an audience's attention by delivering immediately actionable advice. People sat on the edge of their chairs listening and absorbing Sam's suggestions."
Jack Gelman
Group Chairman of Vistage International, Inc.
"Everyone has a bully in their life. This shows you how to deal with them. It's terrific."
Jeff Fox
Author of "How to Become a Great Boss"

Take the Bully by the Horns

Are you dealing with someone who steamrolls over others?  Does this person cause a disproportionate amount of damage in your organization?

Chances are, that person is a 5%er or a person who doesn’t care what’s fair. They want to control, not cooperate.

The good news is, there are certain things you can do and say to stop 5%ers from taking advantage of you. 

All while not sacrificing your integrity or jeopardizing your job.

For any industry, profession or trade conference…

Want a customized presentation for your company or convention?

Tongue Fu!® has been taught to dozens of different types of organizations including:

Healthcare (hospitals, medical centers, orthodontists, dentists, medical associations of physicians, nurses, etc.)

Financial services (banks, insurance agencies, credit card companies, financial associations, wealth managers, etc.) 

Hospitality and food & beverage (hotels, airlines, restaurants, car rental agencies, travel associations, etc.) 

Government (all branches of the military, city, state and federal agencies including GSA, Honolulu Police, etc.)

Education (school districts, teacher and superintendent associations, PTA, etc.) 

Business (Chamber of Commerce Institute, YPO, EO, Small Business Administration, BNI)

+ utilities, aerospace, transportation, pharma, international summits, parks/sports/recreation, leadership, and more. 

Program participants often say “You must have worked in our industry” because the examples and insights are so timely. 


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For everyone…

Would you like to know what to say, when you don’t know what to say? 

If so, you’re in the right place. This inspiring keynote features FAQ’s and Sam’s most popular insights from her best-selling book Tongue Fu!® which has been published in 17 languages and taught to a half million people worldwide. 

You’ll love the diverse quotes, relatable anecdotes and real-life success stories that show how others have learned to give and get the respect they want, need and deserve –  and how you can too.

"Tongue Fu!® helps us to recognize and respond to inappropriate and intrusive behavior with clarity and conviction."
Patti Breitman
Author of "How to Say NO Without Feeling Guilty"

Sam Horn, Tongue Fu!® Master!

Sam Horn is the CEO of the Intrigue Agency, a positioning/messaging consultancy, which helps people design and deliver compelling, respectful communications that add value for all involved.

Award Winning Speaker

Presented to more than half a million people worldwide & for clients such as: Intel, Capital One, Cisco, the US Navy, & more.

Best Selling Author

Author of 9 books from New York publishers including Tongue Fu!® and Washington Post bestseller Got Your Attention?

Messaging Expert

Hired to do messaging for clients including Larry Lynch (former Director of Disney), Terry Jones, (Founder of Travelocity) & more.