Tongue Fu!® E-Course II
The Tongue Fu!® II e-course includes 12 videos on “TURNING CONFLICTS INTO COOPERATION” for a total of 60+ minutes of training from Tongue Fu!® creator and world-renowned speaker, Sam Horn.
Tongue Fu!® II – Advanced Techniques for Dealing with Difficult People
Tongue Fu!® II – Module 1: Turn Resentment into Rapport
Video 1. Instantly End Complaints
“We can be right or we can be happy.” – A Course in Miracles
- When people complain, don’t explain. Explanations comes across as excuses.
- How to use the AAA Train so people know you’re accountable.
- Why it can help to apologize – even when it’s not your fault
Video 2: Find Solutions, Not Fault
“Our task is not to fix the blame for the past, it’s to fix the course for the future.” – John F. Kennedy
- How to stop blaming with this hand gesture (no, not that one!)
- Four words that can stop arguments in their tracks
- What will you do next time people are finger-pointing and fault-finding
Video 3: Why NOT to Deny Negative Accusations
“If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.” – Don Draper, from the television series “Mad Men”
- Why Saying Something isn’t True Often Proves Someone’s Point
- Four words that can help us find us the root of an attack
- What will you do next time someone accuses you of something that’s unfair or unkind?
Video 4: Handle Hassles with Fun Fu!
“If you can laugh at it, you can live with it.” – Erma Bombeck
- Who is someone who pushes your hot buttons?
- Appropriate ways to use comic relief to defuse tense situations
- What are you sensitive about? How will you come up with a comeback?
Tongue Fu!® II – Module 2: Turn Conflict into Cooperation
Video 5: Ethically Turn a No into a Yes
“Time is the new money.” – Richard Branson
- Anticipate Why Someone will Say NO and Say it First
- Why It’s Crucial to Take LESS Time Than Anticipated
- How to Remove Objections and Make Their Concern Moot
Video 6: Share Control
“Whether or not we support a decision depends on whether it’s being done TO us or BY us.” – Warren Reed
- Instead of making unilateral decisions, could you offer OPTIONS?
- If people are resisting, is it because they are apart from the process instead of being a part of it?
- What you can do to include vs. exclude people from decisions that affect them.
Video 7: Name the Game
“Include me out.” – Samuel Goldwyn
- Why it’s important to call people on their unethical tactics
- How to agree to disagree when you’re at an impasse.
- What do do if someone is playing games or being passive-aggressive.
Video 8: Choose Your Battles
“Only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet.” – African saying
- 8 Criteria for Knowing When to Hold ‘Em and when to Fold ‘Em
- How to know if someone’s behavior is intentional or accidental.
- Clarify whether “going to the mat” will be a short-term-win or a long-term loss
Tongue Fu!® II – Module 3: How to CONFDENTLY Handle Abuse and Aggression
Video 9: What to Do in Meetings That Spiral Out-of-Control
“If you had to identify in one word the reason the human race has not achieved its full potential, that word would be MEETINGS.” -Dave Barry
- The Importance of Establishing and Enforcing Ground-rules
- What to Do When People Interrupt, Trash-Talk or Talk Over You
- What To Do When People Take Credit For Your Idea
Video 10: Are You Dealing with a 5%er? Take the Bully Quiz
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” – Maya Angelou
- 95% of people want a win-win. They care what’s fair and want to cooperate.
- 5% of people want to win. They don’t have a conscience, they want to control at any cost.
- How will you change expectations and approaches when dealing with 5%ers?
Video 11: Do the You
“What we accept, we teach.” – Tongue Fu’ism
- How to Protect Your Boundaries and Hula Hoop of Space with Bullies
- How to Use Body Language to Show You’ll Stand Up for Yourself
- How to Speak Truth to Power with Respect Instead of Being Intimated
Video 12: Take Responsibility for Your Mental and Physical Wellness
“Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude.” – Victor Frankl
- Post and Follow these Clarity Rules
- Assess If There’s a Risk for Physical Violence
- How to Deal with Cyber-Bullies
- How To Stay Healthy in the Midst of Toxicity
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